Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I have started going to Zumba classes and I love it! I have only gotten to go twice, but it is great. It is the first time in my life that I have done any kind of exercise that i did not dread doing. I can only go once a week due to when the classes are offered and my schedule, but I wish I could go more. I am going to try something new tomorrow. I am going to meet my mom to walk before work. I am not a morning person at all, but I really think if I could get in the habit that it would make my days go much better. Plus it will be good to spend some time with my mom. I really want to start taking better care of my body and I know that exercise is an important part of that.

In other news I am back at cycle day one, which means the first round of clomid was definitely a fail. I am not going to be taking anything this cycle, other than my Metformin. I could probably have gotten another script for clomid, but due to some timing issues we have decided to go without it this month. I have been planning a trip to see one of my best friends who lives out of state for her 30th birthday and cannot miss it. Since we won't be doing medication this cycle I am going to try and really focus on lifestyle changes. I am feeling a lot better about things right now and am trying to put my faith in God that we will have a baby when the time is right!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I am feeling pretty numb right now. I am almost certain that this first round of Clomid didn't work. I am about a week late. I have tested twice, both of which were BFN. I guess there is a very small chance that I still could be pregnant since I haven't started yet. I seriously doubt it, I guess time will tell. Earlier today I really thought that I was gonna have a breakdown, but after seeing another negative test I just feel empty. I am just ready for Aunt Flo to arrive, so that I can move on to the next month.....