Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Why is it so hard? Why do I feel so alone? Why does it come so easily to others? Why am I the only person I know in this situation right now? Why do I have to change everything? Why are there never 2 pink lines? Will I ever see two? Will I ever understand why this has happened to us? Will I ever get to be a happy glowing pregnant woman? Will I ever get to be called Mom? Will I ever get to give my husband the one thing he wants most in this world? Will I ever stop hurting and longing? Will we make it if it doesn't happen? Will this make me stronger or break me? Will the tears ever stop? Will I ever get the answers I want so bad??????

Today has been a hard day. Another negative pregnancy test. Some months are easier than others and for some reason this time it was hard to handle. Thanks to my good friend PCOS I am without a positive test and without cycle day one......

1 comment:

  1. :( I'm sorry. I've had every single one of those questions somewhere along my journey as well. Hang in there, and know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you.
