Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I have NEVER been a patient person, hence the name Impatient Cas. It seems like recently I have really had to start learning patience. There seems to always have been some event in my life that I just couldn’t wait on. The older I get the bigger and more life changing those events have become. I remember being 10 or 11 years old and just dying to be a teenager. I wanted so bad to be older. Then it was wanting to be 16 and getting my driver’s license. Then it was going to college and moving out of my parents’ house. Being single all through college and for the first few years afterwards nearly killed me, I wanted that relationship so bad. Once I met my now husband everything seemed to move in warp speed and there wasn’t as much impatience, although I did beg to move our wedding up at one point. He convinced me to be patient! Now I am back to waiting again and being frustrated and impatient. I finished my last provera pill last night, so now I wait for Aunt Flow to pay her visit. I did pretty good with the waiting part while I was taking the medication, but now I am so ready for the wait to be over. Any ideas on how to be more patient and to trust the process? I am scared to pray for patience. I have always been told that if you ask for patience, God will give you trials and who wants that : )

1 comment:

  1. I've struggled with that whole "praying for patience" dilemma as well! Our pastor preached last week on Solomon's dream/prayer about changing his "character"--and I know that my character definitely changed in my times of waiting. It's so hard, but I can look back and recognize that I did indeed learn patience--and now it's helping with the waiting during the pregnancy. Hang in there!
